Danaco Media is a world-class media production house, serving the interest of humanity irrespective of Socioeconomic and political classes. 

• 7 Years of Service• 5 Members of Staff• 4,567 Clients Served
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Home of Excellent Recording 

We are equipped with current audio and video production equipment.

Producing HD Videos

For high definition photos and video coverage and production.

Doing Our Best

Promoting Talents In Youths

Danaco Media Centre is in the fore front in promoting talents amongst the youths. This has been achieved in collaboration with the local radio stations. Youths are given platform to showcase what they are really made of in terms of talents.

Promoting Comedians

We are delighted to be ahead of the rest in promoting upcoming comedians. 

Protesting Irrelevant Customs

Danaco Media Centre has been on the front line in fight against Female Genital Mutilation ( FMG). This has been achieved through recording of songs, poems and comedies with messages against the custom.